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Lymphoma Foundation of America provides small grants to nonprofit organizations, charities, cancer treatment centers and hospitals who help cancer patients and who educate the public about the environmental causes of cancer. These are some of the mini-grants Lymphoma Foundation of America has made recently. |
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. $22,000 grant to the Sick Kids Foundation/ Hospital for Sick Children to support cancer clinical trials for pediatric lymphoma and leukemia patients, and therapeutic activities for siblings and support services for parents. The hospital is the premier cancer center for pediatric research.
 Barnes Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri. Grant to help support clinical trials for lymphoma patients.
Cancer Legal Care, Arden, MInnesota. Mini-grant to help support its free legal services for cancer patients regarding employment, health insurance, disability discrimination, etc.
 CancerCare, New York City. Mini-grant to help support and co-sponsor its many educational workshops on lymphoma for patients and medical providers.
 Bucket Brigade of Louisiana, New Orleans. Mini-grant to help this community group organize citizens to create healthy neighborhoods free of toxic chemicals.
 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. Mini-grant to help the young adult support group for cancer survivors.
 Howard University Cancer Center, Washington D.C. Grant to help support the SEEDS program which provides support services for patients and caregivers, educational activities, and peer bonding.
Navajo Hopi Health Foundation, Tube City, Arizona. Grant for general support for the first cancer treatment center located on a Navajo reservation.

Native American Cancer Research Organization, Lakewood Colorado. Mini-grant for cancer patient support activities for members of the Apache, Hopi, Lakota nation, Ojibwe, Cherokee, and Choctaw tribes.
Lombardi Cancer Center, Washington D.C. Mini-grant to help support family-centered therapy activities, Transition Back to School Team, and the mom and dad groups.
Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Mini-grant to help support the wellness center which provides alternative and complementary approaches to cancer therapy: reiki, guided imagery, reflexology, meditation, yoga, healthy eating, art therapy.
Gilda's Club, Royal Oak, Michigan. Mini-grant for house meetings, meditation and yoga practice, and guided imagery sessions for cancer survivors.

UCLA Simms Mann Center for Integrative Oncology, Los Angeles, California. Mini-grant to help support the Center's holistic health program for cancer survivors: Live Like a Warrior, qi gong,massage, and spiritual work.

International Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia Foundation, Sarasota, Florida. Mini-grant for this national organization that provides support services and medical information to IWM lymphoma patients.
 Michigan Environmental Council, Traverse City, Michigan. Mini-grant to support its educational programs on air, water, and soil to reduce human exposures to chemicals: PFAS, benzene, and idling gasoline exhaust that are linked to lymphoma and other blood cancers.

Cancer Support Foundation, Ellicott, Maryland. Mini-grant to help cancer patients identify financial resources to help with medical travel, groceries, utilities, clothing, etc.

FLOW (For Love of Water), Traverse City, Michigan. Mini-grant to help support its safe water program for low-income communities in Michigan, and to help reduce industrial waste in drinking water (linked to nonhodgkin lymphoma)

Candlelighters of Brevard, Indialantic, Florida. Mini-grant to help this nonprofit provide travel assistance, prescription drug assistance, and counseling services.
 Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation, Troy, Michigan. Mini-grant to support its peer counseling, networking, and counseling services.

Markey Cancer Center,Lexington, Kentucky. Mini-grant to support the Knit-to-Health group with relaxation therapy, social friendships, and blood pressure reduction education.

Herbert-Herman Sparrow Cancer Center, Lansing, Michigan. Mini-grant give to help provide food vouchers, gas cards, and translator services (18 languages) for cancer patients.
 Breast Cancer Action, San Francisco, California. Educational grant to support their work in reducing women's exposure to toxic chemicals linked to breast cancer.
 Gilda's Club of Kansas City, Kansas. Educational grant to support their children and family programs including Noogieland, a playroom for children with cancer.
Lymphoma Family Support Group, Kansas City, Kansas. Grant to the University of Kansas Cancer Center to help with its lymphoma support activities.
Cancer Legal Line, St. Paul, Minnesota. Educational grant to support its program to help cancer patients resolve financial problems associated with high medical bills, insurance companies, and employment discrimination.
 Women's Voices for the Earth, Missoula, Montana. Educational grant to help increase public awareness about the health consequences of harmful cancer-causing chemicals found in products commonly used by women.
 Center for Food Safety, Portland, Oregon. Educational grant to assist their efforts to increase public awareness about the negative health effects of pesticides in our food supply.
American Childhood Cancer Organization, Kensington, Maryland. Educational grant to help assist ACCO’s advocacy for children with cancer and provide support services during and after treatment.
American Childhood Cancer Organization, Inland Northwest, Spokane, Washington. Educational grant to help support their services to families with children who are struggling to overcome cancer. |
 University of Maryland Cancer Center, Baltimore, Maryland. Educational grant to help support its lymphoma support group.
 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. Educational grant to help support its lymphoma support group.
Montana Cancer Consortium, Billings, Montana. Educational grant to support their work to publicize cancer clinical trials in the northwest.
 Hawaii Center for Food Safety, Honolulu, Hawaii. Educational grant to support their health advocacy and education program on the health consequences of cancer-causing pesticides in food.
 Vermonters Taking Action Against Cancer, Williston, Vermont. Educational grant to support their efforts to help people reduce the risk of getting cancer.
Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides , Eugene, Oregon. Educational grant to help them reduce pesticide use in Oregon by encouraging people to consider environmentally safe alternatives.
 Hawaii SEED, Koloa, Hawaii. Educational grant to support their health advocacy program to protect children from pesticide exposures at home and at school.
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